

获得全球喜爱的第十三任博士——乔迪·惠特克(Jodie Whittaker)重返《神秘博士》第十二季,再次来到惊险刺激的超时空冒险。  在三个最好的朋友Ryan、Yaz和Graham的陪伴下,“十三”将面临迄今为止遇到的最严峻的挑战。这一季亮点不断——怪物祖迪、赛博人持续在线,Stephen Fry(《黑爵士》)、Lenny Henry爵士,、Robert Glenister(《军情五处》《飞...
  The upcoming festive special will see the return of one of the Doctor's biggest and most feared enemies - the Daleks. The Doctor is locked away in a high-security alien prison. Isolated, alone, ...
A car left on a level crossing causes a crash which kills fifteen people though the driver cannot be found. Initially the police, led by Natalie Chandler's replacement, the recently promoted Wes L...
  BBC宣布续订《神秘博士》第十一季,不过重点在于,《神探夏洛克》编剧Steven Moffat将在第十季结束后退出该剧,将帅印交给《小镇疑云》编剧Chris Chibnall,新一任博士则由《小镇疑云》中饰演死者母亲的Jodie Whittaker担任,她将是Doctor Who历史上的第十三任博士,也是首位女博士。...
获得全球喜爱的第十三任博士——乔迪·惠特克(Jodie Whittaker)重返《神秘博士》第十二季,再次来到惊险刺激的超时空冒险。  在三个最好的朋友Ryan、Yaz和Graham的陪伴下,“十三”将面临迄今为止遇到的最严峻的挑战。这一季亮点不断——怪物祖迪、赛博人持续在线,Stephen Fry(《黑爵士》)、Lenny Henry爵士,、Robert Glenister(《军情五处》《飞...
New partner Sam Casey joins a grieving Ronnie to find out who shot Matt dead. Sam suspects an accomplice of the recently convicted Mark Ellis but the trail ultimately leads to Jamaal Clarkson,a youngs...
Natalie Chandler's friend hospital sister Logan reports suspected foul play following several deaths on her A and E ward,the last being when a young girl was given a fatal dose of prescription dru...
Five-year-old Connor Reid is strangled and security cameras show the two little girls who baby-sit him, Paige and prostitute's daughter Rose, take him into the empty flat where his corpse was foun...
When a police constable, Nick Bentley, is shot by drug dealers while on foot patrol it seems like a pretty straightforward case. Brooks and Devlin eventually locate a witness who identifies one of the...
When a car is pulled from a river with a skeleton in its boot the pathologist reckons both have been there for a quarter of a century and eventually the dead man is shown to be Taylor Kane, one of the...
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